What We Do

August Consulting Investor Relations Services

Investor Relations

Investors are a key pillar of a company’s growth and when companies get publicly-listed, they enter a brand new chapter of engagement with investors and need to develop ways to maintain a strong relationship with investors for the purpose of longer-term survival and growth.
Investor relations is inherently a professional discipline that covers a wide range of concerns for the company, including financial performance, operational performance, market securities’ performance, corporate change and actions, regulatory issues and many more.
Ultimately, it is about keeping investors informed and managing their expectations and that in itself, is a major task for companies.

August Consulting is one of the pioneers in the provision of investor relations services to companies in Singapore.
Over more than two decades, through the work of strategic advisory, communications planning, positioning and key messaging, content development, public relations, investor engagement events and issues management, we have helped companies achieve the following objectives:

  • Awareness of the company among the investment and business community
  • Top-of-mind recall for the company among active investors
  • Clarity to shareholders and prospective investors about the company’s investment merits, growth outlook and plans
  • Ability to navigate challenging issues and obtain buy-in from shareholders for various strategic plans and corporate actions

The key to achieving results in investor relations work is the art of managing information and communications flow to investors. At August Consulting, our capabilities in this discipline are backed by our professional expertise, industry knowledge, vast network, strong track record and experience.

Together, they position us to be an ideal investor relations partner to take your company forward.

To find out more, get in touch with us.